What is your favourite Indie band?

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Development of Images.

These are images in which I have all taken myself and photoshopped together to create compositions. 
These could be used for main backgrounds in the contents page/double page spread, However, I think I may choose to use it also as small images where relevant on the contents page. My slogan 'Indie Aint Dead' is representing my genre, suggesting that even though it is not so popular, It is still here for those who appreciate it.
I have chosen specific images here to create the right atmosphere, Even though the chair is not related to music, when photoshopped against a wallpaper background, using the opacity in Photoshop to ensure it isn't too bold and won't be captured as the main object, It gives the overall composition a finishing touch and enhances the element of being in a home.
I have alternated with the left hand side picture, which changes from a range of speakers, stereo's and windows. This all gives the 'Old' and 'Vintage' feel, and therefore fits in with my overall scheme.

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