What is your favourite Indie band?

Friday, 15 April 2011



In this questionnaire, I will ask some questions about my music magazine, and would like you to answer with a rating of 1 – 10.
(1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest).
Followed by some Q & A questions. (These answers don’t need to be long)

  1. What rating would you give my:
-Front Cover                              /10
 -Double Page                          /10                                                                      
-Contents Page                        /10

  1. What rating would you give photographs?
  1. Throughout my magazine, How consistent have I been with the design scheme?
  1. What rating would you give the name of my music magazine?
  1. Does the chosen colour scheme work well?
  1. If you had to pick out your favourite thing about my whole magazine, what would it be and why?
  1. If you had to pick out your least favourite thing about my whole magazine, what would it be and why?
  1. How much would you pay for this magazine?(Please circle preference)
I wouldn’t buy it / 99p / £1.75 / £2.00

9.  What genre would you say my music magazine represents?
            Rock / Indie / R&B / Pop / Other

  1. From looking at the conventions I have used throughout my magazine, Which music magazine would you say is most similar to mine?
    Q / DJ / Hammer / NME / Kerrang / XXL

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