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Wednesday, 13 October 2010

College Magazine Ideas.

These are my Image ideas, as you can see I have sketched a variety of ideas, each with a suitable slogan so that if i settled for the image design, then it would have a purpose behind it.

After i chose my photo idea and slogan, I had to pick a suitable Magazine name, here are the ones in which i came up with -

Magazine Names:
-WW (Wyke's Ways)
-WN (Wyke News)
-Like Wyke, Love Wyke.
-Wyke Site.
-Quality Wyke.

Once I had decided on the name, i began drafting up my Cover page and Contents. I settled on the name 'TrueWYKE' as it sounded the most simplest yet effective out of my selection, Also the contrast of the capital letters with the lower case letters creates an interesting variation.
Here is my cover, i have settled for this image as I liked the slogan with it, this was 'Buried under Work?'
This relates to the students stress with coursework and therefore students can refer to this.
The masthead is bold, yet simple, therefore will grasp the readers attention without drawing too much information from the photo. My choice of font will be simple, with a bright colour to contrast with the plan white background, in studying other magazines i have noticed the technique of using coloured boxes around the text to make it stand out, therefore i am going to use this and reflect it in my own work.

My contents page is only a rough draft, basically giving an idea of the positioning of the images and texts. The text will follow through with the same theme as on the cover, including the same font, colour and technique. My images will reflect the content of the magazine, all of which i have taken myself.  My content ideas are:
-Wyke Party
-Exam Help
-Wyke's Weight (problem page)
-Photography trip to Paris

My next step now, is to now construct these using Photoshop.

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